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How the Splash Pad Saved my Day

Posted by Lauren Petrullo on
How Splash Pad Saved my Day

We had quite the morning.  It was one of those days that is set up to be a rough one.  We made the mistake of staying out too late the night before with friends.  The kids were playing so well. Why leave early? Well, we paid for it the next morning.  As the kids screamed on, I downed one cup of coffee after another. "We will persevere," I thought, "How do we get out of this state of crabbiness"?

Then it hit me.  Something about sunshine and water shifts us, centers us, starts the day anew.  It was worth a try. Through tugging and pulling, I managed to get my boys dressed, gather the necessary supplies, and load us up in the car.

We hit up our local splash pad per usual.  I love the open air, lack of potential drowning and the fact that it's free.  Stress free, or nearly. Blowouts, we have experienced one or two, so I always check around the park before we settle in.  Yes, I am that weird lady that you see wandering around checking the drains and under the slides. Poop is a good way to make a bad day worse.  Luckily, now we come prepared. I am so glad for my BB Littles swim diapers. Both of my boys have worn them for the past couple years. With all of the snaps, one diaper can fit an infant through a three year old.  I have saved hundreds by avoiding disposables and embarrassing poop explosions too. Luckily, we haven't had any problems with poop ever since.

As I guessed, shortly after I settled down on my cozy blanket in the grass, I watched as my boys were running through the sprinklers with joy.  No more fighting. No more yelling. I was finally able to have some peace of mind.

By the time I loaded the boys back into our car, they were yawning.  Water, sun and running is the perfect combo for a successful nap time.  The house was finally silent.

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