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10 Simple and Easy Potty Training Tips for Your Toddler

Posted by Lauren Petrullo on
Mother potty training her child

Is potty training your toddler giving you a run for your money? Are you at your wit's end and ready to just hire a nanny to do it for you? We are here to help you! 

If you have a kiddo who is potty training and are you struggling to get them to stay on the potty, or even if they constantly wet their pants, don't worry, you are not alone! 

Potty training can be difficult for the whole family. But with a little patience and these simple tips, you can get your toddler trained in no time! So grab a pen and paper and take some notes, these tips are about to change your life (and your toddler's)! 

When to start potty training?

Deciding when to start potty training can be a tough call for parents. On the one hand, you don't want your child to be the last one in their class to master this important milestone. On the other hand, you don't want to start too early and end up with a frustrated child. So when is the right time to start? Here are a few things to take into consider: 

1. Your child’s age

Age is important when potty training because a child's brain is not fully developed until they are around 3 years old. This means that they may not be able to understand the concepts of using a potty chair until they are a bit older. Additionally, younger children may have trouble controlling their bladder and bowels, making it more difficult to potty train them. 

Older children, on the other hand, generally have an easier time learning how to use the restroom since their brain is better developed. Therefore, it is important to take a child's age into consideration when potty training in order to ensure that they are successful.

In this sense, most experts recommend waiting until your child is at least 18 months old. This gives them time to develop the physical and cognitive skills they need to be potty trained, but this age is not mandatory

2. Is your child showing interest in using the potty seat?

Little kids usually show a lot of interest in toilet training because they see their parents and other adults using them. This gives them a desire to do “adult” things. The interest of the child in being potty trained is important for the process because it helps to make the process less daunting and more fun. It also allows the child to be more independent and in control during the process.

If they're showing signs of interest, such as trying to imitate adults or talking about going to the bathroom, they may be ready to start the potty training process. 

3. Can your child follow simple instructions? 

Following instructions can help prevent accidents and make the potty training process go more smoothly.

Once you've decided to begin with the training, you'll need to be able to give your child clear and concise instructions on what they need to do. That’s why, if they can’t follow orders yet, starting potty training is not advisable. 

Bear this in mind: every child is different, so it's important not to start potty training too early or force the issue if your child isn't ready. Remember, the goal is for your child to master toileting independently, so it's important to have patience, don’t lose hope, and wait until they feel comfortable to take the big step. 

How long does potty training take?

Potty training success is a process that can take many forms, and there is no single answer to the question of how long it takes. 

It is true that most children are physically able to use a little toilet seat by the time they are three years old. However, effective potty training is a process that requires time, patience, and consistency, so it typically takes between three and six months to successfully potty train a child, but every kiddo is different.

Some children may be ready to start using the toilet after just a few weeks of training, while others may need several months to fully master the skills required. In any case, it is important to remember that potty training is an individual process, and there is no single timeline that fits all children. 

The key is to be patient and to keep trying, even when it seems like your child will never catch on. With time and perseverance, you'll eventually be able to wave goodbye to diapers for good.

Is it important to use training pants when potty training?

Few things in life are as frustrating as potty training. Just when you think you've got it down, your little one has an accident. But there's one tool that can help make the process a little bit easier: training pants. 

Training pants and pull ups are designed to help kids feel wetness after an accident, which can prompt them to head to the bathroom the next time they need to go. They also offer a bit more coverage than regular big-girl or big-boy underwear, which can give kids a sense of security during this transitional period. 

There are reusable and disposable training pants, pull ups, and many other options to choose from!

Can my kid use training pants inside a pool?

Many parents of little swimmers tend to get really concerned when thinking about potty training and the pool. What would happen if the kiddo has an accident in the pool? 

Well, we have a solution for you: swim diapers. These little guys are the go-to solution for parents that take their potty-learning kids to swim classes. 

Swim diapers are specially designed to keep solid waste from entering the water. Most swim diapers also have an elastic waist and legs to help contain any accidents. While they are not intended to be absorbent, swim diapers can help to keep things clean for both the baby and the pool. Many public pools now require that babies who are not yet potty-trained wear swim diapers. So, if you're headed to the pool with your little one, be sure to pack a swim diaper!

10 Life-saving potty training tips 

It can be a challenge to potty train your child, but these ten potty training tips will help make the process a little bit easier.

1. Start when they are ready

Don’t feel rushed! Sometimes, the earlier you start potty training is not the better. Of course, starting around 18 months is ideal, but wait until your kiddo shows all the signs that indicate they are developmentally ready for potty training, and then start the journey with them. 

Remember: it is not a big deal if they start later and don’t lose hope if they take longer to learn! Your child will be ready for potty training with time!

2. Go at Your Child’s Pace

Every child is different. Some are able to grasp the concept quickly, while others need a bit more time. However, one thing is certain: rushing the process is never a good idea. 

Going at your child’s pace is important for several reasons. First of all, it will help to ensure that they understand the concept. If they are being pushed too hard, they may become overwhelmed and frustrated. Secondly, going at their pace will help to build their confidence. They need to feel like they are in control of the situation in order to be successful and sit on the potty willingly like a big boy or girl. Finally, potty training is a big step for a child, and taking it slowly will help them to adjust and feel more comfortable. 

3. Use Positive Reinforcement

Reward your little one when they use the potty successfully. This could include verbal praise, stickers, or small toys. Avoid using negative reinforcement, such as scolding or punishment, as this can cause your child to become afraid or resentful of potty training.

4. Make It a Positive Experience

Potty training can be a trying time for both parents and children. However, it is important to make the experience as positive as possible. After all, the goal is to teach children to use the toilet independently. 

A positive potty training experience will help instill a sense of pride and accomplishment in children. It will also make them more likely to use the toilet correctly and develop good habits.

It's important to avoid making them feel ashamed or embarrassed if they have an accident. Just calmly clean it up and move on. With a little patience and positivity, you'll have your child potty trained in no time!

5. Be Consistent

Here's the thing about potty training - it's not for the faint of heart. It takes consistency! 

That’s why you start toilet training, be consistent with it. Don’t allow your child to regress back to diapers or use the potty only sometimes. This will only make the process more difficult in the long run.

This doesn’t mean your kid can’t use a diaper because, of course, they will keep having pee and poop accidents at night or during nap time. However, it is important that you sit them on the potty every day to practice. 

6. Set a Schedule

Toilet training is an important milestone. It marks a child's transition from dirty diapers to big-kid underwear, and it signals a parent's return to solo restroom usage. 

However, toilet training can also be a frustrating and messy process. One way to make the experience more enjoyable for everyone involved is to set a schedule. Having regular potty breaks helps children to stay on track and makes accidents less likely. Plus, it can help to prevent parents from going completely insane.

Try taking them to the bathroom every hour or so at first, and then gradually increase the interval between potty breaks.

7. Encourage Fluid Intake

Drinking lots of fluids will help keep your child’s bowels moving and make it more likely they’ll have a successful potty experience. Offer them water or juice throughout the day, and encourage them to pee frequently. 

In that sense, have your child sit on the toilet 15 to 30 minutes before drinking water

8. Dress for Success

This is one of the most important potty training tips: choose clothing that is easy for your child to take on and off by themselves, such as pull-ups or reusable/disposable training pants with Velcro closures. 

Avoid clothing with buttons or snaps, as these can be difficult for small fingers to manage and can definitely cause an accident. The right clothes are key for potty training success!

9. Use the Right Potty Chair

While your child learns it is important to choose a potty seat that is the right size and height. 

The potty chair should be comfortable to sit on and easy for them to get on and off of by themselves.

10. Give them your undivided attention and be patience

Between the constant accidents and the never-ending laundry, it's easy to get frustrated every time your child sits on the potty chair. However, it's important to remember that potty training is a process, and every child learns at his or her own pace. 

One of the best ways to help your child succeed is to give him or her undivided attention. By making potty training a priority, you send the message that this is an important task that deserves your full focus. In addition, paying attention to your child's cues will help you to identify when he or she needs to go, preventing accidents before they happen.

3 Best potty training methods: Which one is ideal?

The internet is full of different potty training methods and we know parents may get frustrated thinking about which is the best one for their child. 

Let us be honest: there is not such a thing as a one size fits all method, so this process is all about trial and error. However, here are the 3 most popular potty training methods: 

1. The 3-day potty training method

The 3-day potty training method is a popular method for many parents who want their kiddos to sit on the potty and do their business in a short time. 

The method is based on the premise that it takes 3 days for a child to learn a new behavior. Therefore, the training process is divided into 3 phases, each lasting one day: the first phase focuses on getting the child used to sit on the potty, while the second phase introduces the concept of flushing and washing hands. 

The third and final phase is when the child actually learns to use the potty independently. While the 3-day potty training method may not be suitable for all children, it can be an effective way to toilet train a child in a short period of time.

2. The "watch and learn" method

The watch and learn potty training method is simple: the only thing you have to do is show them how to go to the bathroom. 

Some parents show them with their own example, meaning that they take the kids to the restroom with them and let them see. 

Others prefer to find a child-friendly video about potty training and sit down to watch it together. As you watch, point out key steps such as taking off clothing, sitting on the potty chair, and flushing the toilet. After the video is finished, explain that it is now time to give it a try.

3. The “pantless” method

The "pantless" potty training method is a unique approach to toilet training that involves, you guessed it, not wearing underwear or pants! 

The thinking behind this method is that by removing the layer of clothing between your child and the toilet, they will be more likely to make the connection between using the bathroom and making a mess. In addition, some parents find that this approach helps to speed up the potty training process.

Of course, there are some downsides to the pantless method. For one thing, it can be a bit messy. And, of course, it's not always appropriate to have your child running around without any pants on! But if you're looking for a potty training method that's a little out of the box,

Kids potty training: What comes next

We won’t lie, starting potty training will be one of the many challenges you’ll face with your kiddo, but it will be a rewarding experience too! 

Is your child ready for the training? Just follow these potty training tips, try the methods, and get ready to get rid of that dirty diaper and welcome the big kid underwear into your life. 

Remember: it may take weeks or a few months to have your child sit in the potty to do their business. But one day you’ll discover that they are able to remain dry and you’ll feel proud, believe us!

Do you have any other tips or questions about how to use the potty training methods and tips? Leave them in the comments below and visit our other blog entries to learn more. 

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